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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 5、10、16吨电动葫芦门式起重机(箱型)
产品: 浏览次数:14585、10、16吨电动葫芦门式起重机(箱型) 
品牌: 豫升
型号: 5、10、16吨电动葫芦门式起重机(箱型)
规格: 5、10、16吨电动葫芦门式起重机(箱型)
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-02-10 16:21

  集团公司占地面积 18 万平方米,资产 1.68 亿元,各种生产检测设备 380 多台套,员工近千人,其中高级专业技术管理人员 180 人。公司设备精良,技术力量雄厚,测控手段完善。拥有机加工中心,组合机床等当代*先进的加工设备和检测设备。
  公司于 2001 年通过 ISO9001 国际质量管理体系认证,拥有完善的质量保证体系,严格的管理制度,强大的生产能力和先进的检测手段。公司是河南省高新技术企业,多次荣获部、省、市科技进步企业,重合同守信用企业。
  公司主导产品 “ 豫升 ” 牌电动葫芦、单、双梁桥门式起重机。 “ 泰稳 ” 牌汽车减震器。 100 多个营销分公司遍布全国各地,形成强大的销售网络,产品畅销全国,部分出口到东南亚、非洲等国家和地区。集团公司以雄厚的实力,坚持 “ 质量第一、用户第一、服务第一 ” 的原则,愿与各界朋友进行广泛合作,共创辉煌。
  Huayu Crane Group Co.,Ltd grew out of Henan Provincial Huayu Crane Co.,Ltd.It has subordinated Huayu Crane Distr
ibution Co.,Ltd,Huayu Crane Installation Co.,Ltd,Huayu Advertisement Co.,Ltd and Henan Taiwen Absorber Co.,Ltd.
  The group company occupied land 180,000㎡,capital RMB168 million Yuan, more than 380 sets of various production and test equipments, and about one thousand employees,of which,180 persons are intermediate and senior professional technicians.The company has excellent equipment, abundant technical force and perfect test monitoring means.It has m
echanical processing center,the most advanced modern processing equipment and test equipment such as combination mac
hine tool,etc.
  The company passed ISO9001 international quality certification in 2001,it has perfect quality guaranty system,st
rict management system,powerful throughput and advanced detection means.The company is the new hi-tech technology en
terprise of Henan Province,it has had the honor to win the honorable titles of advanced scientific and technical ent
erprise and thinking much of contract and keeping faith of the ministry,province and city for many times.
  The leading products of the company are”Yusheng”brand electric block,single and dual beam bridge crane and gan
try crane and “Taiwen”brand automobile absorber.More than 100 distribution branches of the company are spread all
over the country,has formed a powerful distribution network.The products are distributed in the whole country,and so
me are exported to the countries and regions such as Southeast Asia and Africa,etc.The group company,with abundant s
trength and principle”quality first,customer first,service first”is willing to make vast cooperation with friends of all circles,to create common resplendence.
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