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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 石墨铜套加工 安驰自润滑镶嵌铜套 高载荷铜套厂家
石墨铜套加工 安驰自润滑镶嵌铜套 高载荷铜套厂家
产品: 浏览次数:596石墨铜套加工 安驰自润滑镶嵌铜套 高载荷铜套厂家 
品牌: 安驰
单价: 1.00元/个
最小起订量: 1 个
供货总量: 10000 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2017-08-17 13:18

这种结构综合了铜合金和润滑材料的各自特点,可以在难以形成油膜润滑和因条件限制而不能添加润滑剂的场合使用。基体含有的润滑材料一般贯通轴承内外径,设备在运转使用过程中,通过摩擦使润滑材料与轴相互摩擦,润滑材料和润滑油不断渗出,在轴承内壁和轴之间形成油膜润滑的优异条件,既保护轴不磨损,又使固体润滑特性持续永恒。可以用在低速重载不便维护,无给油的工况,并且在零下温度和零上value="300" hasspace="False" negative="False" numbertype="1" tcsc="0" w:st="on" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">300之间都可以使用。具有硬度高,负荷大、耐腐蚀、摩擦系数低的特点。以数控机床成品,对数量和尺寸几乎没有限制。产品一般运用在为避免污染而不能加油或处于封闭性结构内不易加油的场合;往复、摇摆运动、频繁启动、制动低速重载、短距离滑动以及处于水中或腐蚀性液体中难以形成润滑油膜的场合;作业环境恶劣,注油润滑效果难以发挥的场合;

技术参数:基体材质:ZCuZn25Al6Fe3Mn3  极限动载荷:100N/mm^2基本硬度:HB210 摩擦系数μ<0.16最高使用温度:value="300" unitname="℃" w:st="on" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">300最高滑动速度:干value=".4" unitname="m" w:st="on" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">0.4m/svalue="5" unitname="m" w:st="on" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">5m/s

Bronze bearing with solid

modern-day bearing materials. Zeromaintenance is often expected under severe to extreme conditions as well asunder maximum loads.

The constant pressure on costs also calls forincreasing uptime of machinery and equipment and uncompromising standards ofoperational reliability. materials are suitable for applications involvingsustained high static and dynamic loads,relatively low sliding speeds androtary, angular, axial or linear motion. They are also suitable forapplications where conventional lubrication is not possible or permissible, orwhere other properties are required such as durability and resistance tooperational and environmental or special conditions (e.g. impact load, abrasivestress, etc).

In conventionally lubricated bronze materialsaseparating lubricating film“ canonly be formed if themovement conditions and sliding speeds are suitable.Withself-lubricating bearing, the lubrication is provided by thesliding materialitself. The solid lubricant is released from the bearing material by microabrasion as soon as thesliding movement begins. This gives the slidingpartnerssmooth surfaces with a firmly adhesive solid lubricantfi lm. The solidlubricant remains within the contact zoneeven under heavy loads, resulting in ahigh degree ofseparation between the sliding surfaces and a sustainedlow coefficient of friction coupled with minimal wear.



Plain bearing滑动轴承

Flanged bearing法兰轴承


Thrust washer止推垫圈

Axial and radial bearing segments  轴向和径向轴承段

Sliding plate 滑板

Spherical bearing, floating外球面轴承,浮动

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