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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 供遥控抓斗在江苏紫石机械制造有限公司
产品: 浏览次数:376供遥控抓斗在江苏紫石机械制造有限公司 
品牌: 紫石
型号: YK
规格: 非标
单价: 25000.00元/吨
最小起订量: 10 吨
供货总量: 10000 吨
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 65 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2016-04-12 14:49




Wireless remote control grab is a newtype sing letypesingle type can open in the air without any additional energy,It has hoth the advantages ofsimple structureand terminates the low effieciencyof single rope grabin hoisting and transiting.

This grab is widely used inship,port,railway materials(ave.granulation 30mm max 100mm) station,factory,mine and other transport departments,It isan ideal toolin handing bulk car gosuch as coal,orepowder,fertilizer and sand.This grab can be operated well under circumstance of high temperature.Severe cold,dust and rain.There mote distance is more than 50 metres,Thegrab has built-incharger and high efficiency,battery,canoperate. (the hydraulic system is global services)



When grab is open, slip block is touching the up beam but it is totally separate with the down beam.Electromagnetic exchange valve is closed at this time. The piston rod of the cylinder and then slip block, and cylinder is firmly jointed together with the down beam, sothe piston rod of the cylinder is fully extended at this time.When the grab is to grab the bulk, crane sling declines and the cylinder is pulled back as the piston rod of the cylinder can be in directed movement,and then the slip block declines.After the piston rod of the cylinder is in complete contraction, slip blocks are totally fallen down.Then the sling of the crane is raised to lead the slip block up. As the electromagnetic valve of cylinder is always closed and the rod end chamber of the cylinder is locked, with the pulley, slip block rises to drive the down beam to up,at the same time; the jaws are closedrod end chamberand grip materials.

抓斗开启Grab Opening


When open grab,press the switch of the remote control transmitter. Electromagnetic directional valve of the hydraulic system is fully energized to commutate. Therod end chamberof the cylinder offloads.Piston rod of the cylinder is pulled out by the slip block and down beam, and slip block is separated with down beam, so the grab is gradually opened.


  由于科学技术的高速发展,单绳抓斗的开闭装置出现多个品种,如:只有一种装置的遥控抓斗、电动液压抓斗、电动马达抓斗、手拉单绳抓斗、碰地打开单绳抓斗(落地打开单绳抓斗)等,但是每个抓斗只采取一种开闭装置。若开闭装置出现了故障,一时又缺乏零部件或维修人员,抓斗只能停止作业;再一个抓斗远离维修中心,单绳船用抓斗随船作业,一旦开闭装置出现故障,只能弃而不用,影响工作进度和降低经济效益。同时,单绳抓斗遥控开闭装置虽已试制成功,但是装置用久了必然会出故障,特别大吨位的单索抓斗还不能使用。目前,普通单索散货抓斗开闭时冲击较大,并且不能在空中任意位置开启卸料,影响工作效率。 紫石新型无线遥控散货抓斗既能使用无线遥控远程操作抓斗,又能更换少量零件后快速转换成手拉开闭装置操作抓斗,也不需要外部电源,仅利用电池充电就可工作,从而增强了抓斗的适应性,降低了抓斗的使用成本。同时,又改进了开闭装置,安装先进的无线遥控装置和柔性开闭液压缓冲系统,使抓斗性能更完善。 本项目的两用启闭装置可使单索抓斗在装卸作业中,选择遥控或手拉的方式,通过抓斗的主油缸、液压夹杆锲形重块或拉杆、手拉夹杆锲型重块控制偏心板与斜压板的离合,达到控制抓斗开闭的效果。安装该开闭装置的散货抓斗能在空中任意位置卸货。  
  新型无线遥控散货抓斗具有以下优点 1.  这种设置能用遥控或手拉两用开闭装置控制单索抓斗,扩大了抓斗的使用功能,使抓斗的适应性增强,工作效率提高。且两种不同开闭装置能巧妙、有机的结合,装置结构简单、可靠,使用方便。当一种启闭装置故障时,在很短的时间就能更换开闭装置,可提高装卸速度和装卸效益,减少船舶停靠时间,缩短船舶运行周期。   2.  新型紫石遥控散货抓斗与普通单索散货抓斗相比,不仅保持原有的功能,而且增加了无线遥控装置。无线遥控开闭装置能在 50m 的范围内控制抓斗自由操作,可提高装卸速度 25%, 3.  新型紫石遥控散货抓斗与原无线遥控散货抓斗相比,在原理上更科学、结构上更可靠。减少维修成本和时间,提高装卸效率。 4.  新型紫石散货遥控抓斗应用先进的无线遥控装置,信号稳定,有利安全生产,低噪声,有利于环境保护。  


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